It's the end of Q1 which means a new business check-in! 💰🥳
In this video, I'll walk you through my Google spreadsheet where I track all my crochet business numbers, from how much content I've made so far this year, to how much revenue my business has generated and how much salary I've been able to pay myself. In this blog post I'm also going a bit deeper into the numbers and what I've done during Q1 inside my business.
Happy reading (and watching)!
Youtube: 11 videos
Live streams: 6
Blog posts: 2
Instagram feed posts: 31
Short video content: 7
Except for the content mentioned above, I also share behind-the-scenes from my business almost daily on my Instagram stories. I also post regularly in my Facebook group, Facebook page and on the Youtube community tab.
During Q1 I released the 4 patterns. The first pattern was Daniel the dromedary which was the secret amigurumi we crocheted together during the December crochet along 2022. I also designed and release the pattern for Nanoq the polar bear. Which is my bestselling pattern this period with 25 sold copies.
During Q1 I also released the pattern for Elton the squirrel which was the secret amigurumi we crocheted together during the September crochet along 2022. The last pattern I released during Q1 is the Sweater bundle which was a total flop with 1 sold copy, but you never know if it will take of in the future!
The graph above illustrates where most of my customers come from. The 3 biggest chunks are the USA, and Europe (including Sweden and Finland). I sell mainly patterns in English but occasionally also Swedish copies.
Instagram: +500
Email: +82
Facebook page: +4
Fb group: -100
Pinterest total w/m: 222,370
Youtube: +263
I take these numbers with a grain of salt because I know that these numbers don't determine if a business is successful or not, but I still like to track them just to see that they are going up and not down.

Crochet along tickets: 89
Yarn kits: 13
Crochet patterns: 107
Amigurumi Calendar 2023: 1
Courses / workshops: 13
In February I tried a new campaign to celebrate Friendship Day. I gave away a free digital (secret) gift which each order. The campaign was active for a couple of days around Friendship Day (aka Valentine's Day 14th of February) and was really successful. I will probably do something similar next year again.
In March I started selling tickets for the April CAL 2023. I sold 89 single tickets and 13 yarn kits which includes all the yarn you need for the crochet along and the digital ticket. Compared to the crochet along I hosted last year, at about the same time, I sold way fewer tickets (about -50 tickets) this year. I think the economic situation in the world might be one reason why there were fewer people joining this time.

The revenue is a mix of sales of crochet along tickets, yarn kits, yarn, crochet patterns, amigurumi calendars, online courses and workshops.
Remember! This is not my salary. Some of it goes to paying taxes and other costs like websites, domains, editing programs, transaction fees, and so on.
One of my bigger projects this period was emptying my yarn stock due to our upcoming move. I sold a lot of yarn which I'm so happy with!
Another big chink of the revenue comes from my online course the Amigurumi Design LAB which I opened the doors to in February. Can't wait to teach a new class of students soon!
2500€ (1500€ + a 1000€ bonus)
My goal this Q1 is to pay myself (at least) 500€ per month. I still get about 700€ in business income support so with a salary of 500€ we (me and Lukas) cope financially.
Let me know if you have any questions in the comments!
I hope this will give you some courage or inspiration if you've been thinking about starting a creative business of your own. I'm cheering you on wherever you are! Thank you for reading! ❤