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In June we'll be crocheting together for the 10th time! Do you like surprises, amigurumi, and connecting with like-minded people? Then you'll love this event! My crochet alongs are fun digital events where you get to discover a brand new amigurumi, part by part, together with other amigurumi crazy people during a certain period of time.
Down below you'll find abbreviations, color keys, and other things that are good to know before the crochet along starts 1st of June.
I hosted my first CAL in December 2018 for a small crowd of amigurumi enthusiasts. Ralf the moose was the first amigurumi we crocheted together and he stole many hearts that December. Since then my annual crochet alongs have grown rapidly and over 5000 people have participated so far.
The Summer CAL 2022 is mainly hosted in the Facebook group Crochet with Garnknuten and in your email inbox. The secret PDF pattern is divided into 7 pieces + assembling instructions. The parts will be sent to your inbox 1-2 days apart until we have crocheted and assembled the whole amigurumi.
Don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions!
English (US terms) and Swedish
The choice of yarn and hook is completely up to you and your personal taste, but I recommend using an environmentally friendly yarn or something from your stash.
Yarn: sustainably made cotton yarn ex. Karma recycled cotton from Kremke Soul Wool (50g = 105m)
YARN (50g = 105m)
A – Yellow (<100g) Main color!
D – Pink (<50g)
- Crochet hook in size 3.50 mm
- Stuffing
- Needle
- Scissors
- Pins (optional)
- 6 stitch markers

ABBREVIATIONS US-terms (Click on the stitches to find helping video tutorials!)
[…]x… - repeat the instructions in the brackets x-times
(…) - the number of stitches at the end of the round.
- Make sure you crochet pretty tight all the way, so you don’t get large holes between the stitches. If you crochet loosely, I suggest you should test a smaller hook size (ex. 3.00) so that the stuffing doesn‘t show once you‘ve filled the toy.
- All parts will be worked in spirals (if the pattern doesn’t say otherwise) - so you don‘t
have to think about closing the rounds.
- A stitch marker can help you keep track of the beginning of your rows.
© 2021 Garnknuten . Veronica Lönnqvist - All rights reserved. This pattern is for PERSONAL USE ONLY! The pattern (or parts of it) may not be reproduced, distributed or resold, translated, published, altered, shared or posted (for sell or for free) over the internet or offline!
You can sell items made from this pattern, if they are handmade by yourself in a limited number and you give credit to the designer.
Please add the following text to your item description and any item you are selling: ”This crocheted product is handmade by ...(your name)... from a design and pattern by Garnknuten . Veronica Lönnqvist / www.garnknuten.com”
Sign up for the crochet along waiting list here to get notified when the next mystery amigurumi crochet along is hosted!